The Welfare Committee of the Teulada-Moraira Lions Club meets every month to consider requests for assistance from those in need. These can vary from one-off individual requirements to assisting other organisations or responding to worldwide appeals from Lions International.
Please contact Lion Richard Stephens if you have a need which you think the Lions may be able to help you with. E-mail
Here are some of our projects. Please click on the links for more information and photos.
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Update on recent activities.
Moraira Market Valencian Appeal Collection.
This collection was organised by TM Lions to add further help to the Appeal.
Raquel Paya School.
Click here to see the latest information regarding the school.
In October 2024 TMLions were finally able to give €25,000 to Teulada Altzheimer Association to assist in the purchase of a new transport minibus. The symbolic cheque was presented to Sylvia Tatnall on the occasion of the10th Anniversary of the opening of the Lions Den shop. Click here to see photo
In September 2024 TMlions were able to give €10,000 to Project for All towards the cost of a replacement vehicle used to transport food etc., Click here to see photo
In May 2020, Aprosdeco who support local people suffering from various forms of learning disability & other conditions, requested help from TMLions to purchase some of the additional equipment required for staff and users to enable them to reopen after lockdown. TMLions are supporters of the work they do to encourage their users to develop skills to improve their quality of life and were delighted to be able to donate 380 euros for the purchase of necessary equipment.
During the lockdown period March-May 2020, some people found it very difficult to put food on the table as a result of the loss of work due directly or indirectly to the pandemic. On a number of occasions, food banks and social services departments have approached TM Lions for urgent help to ensure they were able to satisfy the demand. By drawing on reserves, TM Lions were able to help and were very glad to be able to give €500 to Caritas Moraira food bank, €500 to The Franciscan Shelter in Denia, and €2000 to each of Benitatxell & Teulada-Moraira Social Services for food vouchers.
In February 2020, Teulada-Moraira Lions purchased a specialist blender to prepare food for some of the users of the Aprosdeco Day Centre near Denia. A donation of €1742 purchased a blender and moulds to save time for the staff when preparing meals and also to produce a better consistency of food for the users. The Lions President, Dr. Nico Dekkers, said “We are happy to support this valuable work in our local community”.
In January 2020, Teulada-Moraira Lions donated €3275 to Hospital La Pedrera, Denia to buy 10 new standard wheelchairs and one specially designed wheelchair for those with more serious disabilities. La Pedrera hospital cares for a large number of patients with a range of problems and wheelchairs are continually needed to transfer the patients around the hospital buildings and grounds.
In December 2019, Teulada-Moraira Lions provided prizes totalling €325 for the 13 winners of the Claude Kelly Memorial Handwriting Competition at St Mary Magdalene school in Benitachell. The prizes and certificates were presented in a ceremony at the school.
Halloween 2019 – Once again this popular event attracted hundreds of excited children and their even more enthusiastic parents. Together they descended upon the Church Square in Moraira for the traditional Halloween Children’s Party. Spooks, ghouls and vampires of every age and nation enjoyed a family evening of revelry, by courtesy of the hardworking volunteers and friends of TM Lions.
On Wednesday the 26th June 2019, the Teulada–Moraira Lions were once again very pleased to be able to make a donation to Aprosdeco. This donation of over €4900 paid for vital safety barriers, thus helping to ensure the safety of staff and day care attendees at the centre, and also a high spec insulated food storage trolley which allows the prepared food to be transported safely from the kitchens to the dining areas. Director, Ana Maria Vadillo thanked the TM Lions unreservedly for this generous donation.
In May 2019, representatives from the Teulada–Moraira Lions club were very pleased to attend the Conservatori music school in Teulada on Thursday 16th May, where they met with the Mayor of Teulada-Moraira, Carlos Bañon Linares, School Director, Fani Bañuls and Conservatori staff to present a donation of musical instruments to the value of €5702.
In March 2019, the Teulada-Moraira Lions, in association with HELP of Denia and Marina Alta, were very proud to present a much needed item of equipment to the Raquel Paya School of Denia for disabled children in the form of a specialised tricycle, designed and built for disabled children. The Lions, along with members of HELP, visited the school in March 2019.
In March 2019, members of the Teulada-Moraira Lions Club visited the Occupational Day Centres run by the charity APROSDECO. The focus of the visit was the newly opened Day Centre which the Lions’ donation had help to purchase essential equipment for. There are currently around 40 individuals using the Day Centre aimed at caring for the more severely affected and/or those with higher physical care needs.
In December 2018, Teulada–Moraira Lions presented diplomas and gift certificates to the winners of the handwriting skills competition at the Santa Maria Magdalena school in Benitachell. This event has become known as the Claude Kelly memorial handwriting competition in memory of one of the club’s founder members, Claude Kelly. Rapturous applause accompanied each prize winner and once again it proved a very worthwhile event judging by the delight of all involved.
In December 2018, the Teulada -Moraira Lions Club continued to support the local community by donating €2000 worth of food vouchers to Benitachell Social Services. These vouchers were used to benefit families in the town particularly during the Christmas period.
In July 2018, the friends and family of the late Brian Clark, together with the Teulada–Moraira Lions club and HELP of Denia and Marina Alta were very pleased to officially present a new facility in the form of a large pergola at La Pedrera hospital in Denia, as a fitting tribute to a much loved local character who was a regular volunteer in ‘The Lions Den’ charity shop in Moraira and sadly passed away in October 2016.The new facility provides a lovely shaded seating area for patients, staff and visitors of the hospital. A large gathering of Brian’s family, friends and members of the two charities attended the opening ceremony on Wednesday the 4th July, along with senior staff members from the hospital.
In June 2018, the Lions were very pleased to help out one of the local schools with a donation of 4,500 euros which enabled the Mary Magdalena School in Benitachell to install and equip a new library for the pupils. Lion President, Brian Clarke, stated that this was a great project for the Lions to be involved with and has already proved to be a great asset to the students and teachers. Funding was also presented by the Lions to provide some new permanent tables and benches for the children to dine “al fresco” during their breaks and at lunch time.
In May 2018, the TM Lions were, once again, delighted to be able to join forces with HELP of Denia & Marina Alta to improve services in the local community. Together, they purchased two new specialist defibrillators for use in La Pedrera hospital Denia, along with separate children’s defibrillators. The defibrillators cost 2242 euros each, plus IVA, and are complete with specialist information for the hospital. We are very pleased to work together helping to improve and save lives in our community.
Also in May, the Club donated 2 orthopaedic beds to MABS. Lion President, Brian Clarke, and members of the Teulada–Moraira Lions were on hand to present the new beds to Jacqui Philips MBE, President of MABS, at IMED hospital on Tuesday the 15th May. Lion President Brian stated that this donation is very much in line with the aegis of the TM Lions in so much as we raise funds locally and primarily spend the money in the local community.
In April 2018, the Club donated the sum of 10,000 euros to Teulada Alzheimer’s Society as part of the Lions Centenary celebrations drive.
This year marks 100 years since the formation of Lions Clubs International and the Teulada–Moraira Lions were happy to join in with several projects benefitting local good causes, one of which had been identified as the Alzheimer’s centre in Teulada, which gives day care for many patients of all nationalities. Lion President, Brian Clarke, was very happy to hand over the cheque to Mrs. Sylvia Tatnell, President of the AFA, who thanked the Lions for their generosity and continued community spirited work. The money will go to extend and improve the centre so that more patients can be cared for in future.
In March 2018, the Club donated 10,000 euros to the Protección Civil and 3,000 euros to Cruz Roja to help with the purchase of new ambulances which were urgently needed to replace outdated equipment in both organisations.Lion President, Brian Clarke, stated that “it is with tremendous pride that the Lions are able to make significant contributions for the benefit of the local community, and that it is a reflection on the hard work and dedication of the Lions members and helpers that raised the funds to allow this”.
In January 2018, the Lions were very proud to be able to present items of much needed vital safety equipment:
The first was in Benitachell where Lion President Brian Clarke and Deputy Welfare Chairman Andy Dawson, handed over a portable defibrillator at the community swimming pool to Cristina Rosello who is the sports coordinator for Benitachell Ayuntamiento. Defibrillators are now mandatory equipment in all public buildings.
The second handover was of essential firefighting equipment in the shape of fire helmets to Simon Lunn and the volunteer Bomberos of Benidoleig. The Fire Helmets were in fact donated several months ago and were put to immediate use as without this vital equipment the brave fire fighting men and women could not do their job.
In November 2017, the Lions Club donated two blood pressure monitors to the Health Centre of El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. Among those present was the councilman of Health, Dirk Rheindorf, who thanked the donation of these medical devices and its constant solidarity. “We are working so that the assistance in this health centre is much better every day and fortunately we always have the invaluable contributions of charitable associations such as Lions Club” highlighted the councilman of Health. For the full report, click here
In September 2017, the Club contributed the sum of 8000 euros towards the purchase of an ultrasound machine. The Teulada–Moraira Lions, along with Candy Wright, President of Help, were very pleased to present a vital new piece of equipment in the form of an ultrasound machine to the health centre in Moraira. Dr. Regulo Lorente from Moraira health centre, Rosana Caselles Councillor for Health and Laura Hillstead Councillor for International Residents and Voluntary Services and Integration were on hand to receive the Ultrasound equipment. Dr. Regulo thanked the TM Lions and Help of Denia for their generosity in supplying such a fantastic diagnostic facility which will benefit the whole community. For a full report, click here.
Working closely with the various local Social Services departments, we also respond to numerous requests for help, whether it be for specialist eye care, medical equipment, clothing or food etc. Irrespective of geography, the Lions Club of Teulada Moraira seeks to offer help and assistance, wherever it possibly can and works tirelessly to abide by its Lions motto of:-